Ashlu valley & bye bye Whistler

We headed down to the Ashlu valley and took a look at the river and the impending dam and have spent some more time in Whistler.

At the start of the week we met up with Sarah again and paddled the Daisy lake section of the Cheakamus – it's recently changed course after a flood, so we were paddling in between huge tree trunks in the river which is a strange sensation. Then on tuesday we headed to the Ashlu – one of BC's classic rivers and unfortunately one which won't be around for much longer. The dam construction is well underway and in order to drive up the valley we had to sign in at the construction site office. Getting to this river is a mission in itself – dodging huge dump trucks that made Macy feel like a matchbox car, poor guidebook directions and a road that defies the term 'road' – I'm not even sure goat track would do it justice. Macy didn't like it. The classic section of the Ashlu is a grade V bit called the Mine – British Columbia has it's own take on the usual grading system and class V here is a good bit harder and more dangerous than class V elsewhere, so I ducked out of paddling that scary section and Sharon and I paddled the last fall – one called Last Tango which saved Macy the torture of the road.

The last couple of days have been spent relaxing in Whistler – we got a Gondola and chair lift to the top of the mountain and had some stunning views and an afternoon of great hiking, we treated ourselves to a cinema trip and are just about to head to the rec centre for some swimming and saunaing.

Tomorrow we leave Whistler after several weeks here and head back to Vancouver Island to see if we can find an elusive bear.

Here's a couple of photos Bob took of us on the river and one we took of the construction. We got some video as well and will add that to the next installment.

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And then there were two…

It's been a long time since our last blog – we've spent most of that time with a group of paddlers from Bristol Uni and also with Fran and Robin – two Brits we knew from home.

Those who weren't out here for such an extended holiday had to return to Vancouver this weekend to fly home. So from a group that has increased to 13 at times, we're now back down to the two of us.

Over the last few weeks, we have: paddled rivers, soaked in hot springs, ridden a Hummer to the top of Blackcomb Mountain, seen a whistling marmot, cooked and eaten excellent food on the campfire, avoided all bears sadly, danced till the early hours in Whistler and watched many shooting stars.

The old adage states that a picture speaks a 1000 words, so we've kept this blog entry short and uploaded 4 more photo albums – check them out on the photos page.

Fun in Whistler

In a bit of a role reversal, I (Sharon) decided to paddle the Green while David acted as shuttle bunny. The Green is a lovely short section of grade 2 which builds up nicely to grade 3. The great advantage of this being a rafting run, is that it is relatively tree free! Unfortunately we still haven't seen any bears in BC despte everyone else seeming to have seen several.

For those who haven't been to Whistler, its like a theme park where pretty much any outdoor activity can be done it seems. We tried the luge yesterday which was lots of fun, though I took the corners a bit slower after nearly falling off. It takes a bit of getting used to the artificalness of the place, but I like the fact its a huge outdoors playground.