We're leaving LA today, assuming Macy passes her smog test and we don't spend too long in the queue at the DMV getting her registered. The plan is to head south to San Deigo for a few days, maybe pop over the border to Mexico and then return up this way and go to Six Flags.
We spent most of yesterday chilling. We took a trip into Santa Monica, swam in the sea at Venice beach and walked along the board walk. The size of things over here is still surprising us – last night we ordered a small bag of popcorn (aka kettle corn) and got what could have been a pillow case full of it, then I ordered a small pizza and managed to eat half of it. So we've got pizza and popcorn for breakfast…
We've not yet found anywhere that will allow us to upload photos (i.e. the hostel internet machines haven't), but rest assured that we've taken some cool ones & will post them soon: we need to find a net cafe with a printer so that we can get our cheap Six Flags tickets, so maybe that'll be our chance to upload them.