Since leaving LA, we've had a pretty busy time. We've been down to San Diego and back up the Pacific Coastal Highway which is where we are now.
On the drive down to San Diego, we stopped at the Crystal Cathedral which is a church made of glass and we were lucky enough to hear the massive organ being played.
The highlight so far though has been the San Diego Wild Animal Park where we stayed on their roar and snore thing which meant we got evening guided tours and woke up to the sound of lions roaring and elephants. It was awesome seeing so many animals as well. The rest of San Diego was pretty cool too and soon we were heading up the Pacific Coast.
The Pacific Coastal Highway (PCH) was stunning – it's a little windy road up from LA to San Francisco. We're now in a quaint little place called Carmel, where we're leaving the PCH and heading in land towards Yosemite. We're meeting a couple of friends who have a permit for the Toulomne(sp?) river on Friday so we're going to met up with them and finally get some paddling in. We were looking to do some surfing while driving the PCH, but all the beaches we've seen have warnings on them of “Unexpected life-threatening waves” and said that going into the water would be “unwise” – so we didn't.
Sorry – still no photos, but we've been taking loads, and will probably spend some time uploading them when we get to San Francisco at some point next week.
Hope everyone's having fun at home, let us know what you've been up to. Will update again when we get the chance.